Get Informed what makes a person vegan?

Vegans are vegetarian who do not eat ANY meat, milk, cheese, eggs, honey, gelatin or any other animal products. Many vegans do not even wear clothes that contain animal products, including leather, wool, or silk, or wear any products that were tested on animals. Switching to a vegan lifestyle is the hardest out of all of the vegetarian categories. Many people use animal tested products with out knowing. Animal testing on consumer products accounts for 10 percent to 20 percent of all laboratory use of animals in the United States, which is around 2-4 million animals annually. Even if you do not live a vegan life you should still avoid using animal tested products. Animal cruelty is wrong regardless if your a vegan or not.

Do you think a vegan lifestyle is right for you? Be sure to do your research. Here's a great vegan"how to" book and a cook book for you to take a look at.





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