Get Active Green Shopping tips by Amanda Aksel


You have heard about them and by now you have probably seen them at your local stores. And if you are really savvy, you already use them. I'm talking about reusable shopping bags!  In the wake of the Green Movement, the pubic is jumping on the bandwagon with all the environmentally friendly alternatives that we have available to us. 


Reusable shopping bags is just one way for us to "do our part", and cutting down on plastic shopping bags plays a huge role in our environment.  Americans run through about 100 billion bags each year, many of which are not recycled. These bags litter our streets and end up in landfills where it takes 1000 years for them to degrade.  The worst part is that they actually break down into toxic bits that end up in our water and soil. And if that is not enough, thousands of marine life die each year from mistaking a bag for food. How many times have you been to the Oceanfront and screamed, "Jelly fish!" at a washed up plastic bag? 

The great news is it is not too late to make a significant change regarding these bags.  Most of the local groceries stores sell these reusable bags toping out at only $1.00 each.  Make an investment in the environment, 10 bags for 10 bucks! Just keep them in the trunk so they are accessible for all of your shopping. They are roomy and distribute weight more evenly, making heavy bags easier to carry. These bags are fabulous and you can feel good about making a positive impact on the environment.


Amanda Aksel





How do you go green?