Get Informed:The 411 on Meat by Taja Allen

Everyone has their own opinion on meat. Although personally, I am a pescatarian ( does not eat meat with the exception of fish) I do not believe eating meat is wrong. Eating meat becomes wrong (and unhealthy in some cases) when the animal was not treated fairly before and after death. Besides ethical reasons, animals should be treated fairly when alive so that they will not pass any potential diseases on to their consumer(s). The following videos are from youtube. Each video shows either the unethical treatment of animals or unhealthy chemicals added to the meat.

Please remember that I am not against eating meat but take in consideration when purchasing meat or meat products.


For eggs - purchase free range eggs .

For meat - check out the local butcher or read the label of the packaging to insure that you are not buying meat with dangerous additives, buy organic or kosher.


I'll add more tips and videos after further research.








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