Get Active : 10 tips on going green

By: Rob F

There are numerous ways to be more "green" in this world that you probably don't know about. Take a look around your house and I bet there are at least one of these simple steps that you could incorporate with little to no trouble.

10. Lets begin in the room everything begins in, the bed room. How often do you go to sleep at night to the sounds of a TV or radio. I used to all the time. It would get so bad that I dreamt of infomercials. To remedy this without changing that nightly habit, simply put the TV on to sleep timer mode. This will save juice because the TV will shut itself off at a certain time ( after you are asleep). Alternatively you could do away with the energy vampire all together. However that's a bit drastic.

9.Got a window? You can clean the air in your room by opening the window during the day or night, if applicable. Adding a window fan that can blow dual directions can help this by either pumping the stale air out or the fresh air in. It also helps to regulate the temperature of the room.

8. Another window tip, Use your blinds effectively. If it is a bright and sunny day, don't turn on a lamp. Open the shades. If it is a very hot day and the sun is beating down, close the shades. This can help if you use a heat pump.

7. Got hard wood floors covered in carpet? Do everybody a favor and reduce the allergens and potential toxic fumes by doing away with your carpet and enjoying the floors. Hard wood floors are easier to maintain than a carpet, and can be cleaned with lemon juice and olive oil.

6. One word. Light Switch. OK, that's two... Use it.

5. Just because one man throws it out does not mean it is trash. If you have a neighbor that is throwing away an item that is in reasonably good condition ask if you can have it instead. The option of Free cycling is also available if you wish to contribute to reusing already manufactured products.

4. A garden is a great way to improve your own life. You can grow what you eat the most of, and save money in the process. If you already compost then you have now found a use for that bio fertilizer. Also, plants help filter the air so you can even have the benefit of cleaning the air while eating those apple you just grew,

3, Forget Pine sol, Windex, Febreze, Mr. Clean, 409, and all those poisons that you continuously suck down your throat. Lemon juice, Vinegar, Baking Soda, Olive Oil, Borax, and water all can be combined in numerous ways to replace each of those toxic sprays that you love so dearly. You're lungs will appreciate the effort.

2. You see that porch outside? I bet it was built with a purpose other than looking pretty. Try having dinner outside one after noon. You wont need to use a single light bulb while your out there. Plus you can enjoy the fresh air and sunlight. Family time can be green too.

1. Need to run to the post or even to the 5 and dime? Well you can. If the trip is less than 1 mile round trip, why not run/walk? You get the benefit of exercise and use absolutely no fossil fuels in the process.

There are thousands of ways to go green. This is just a handful that people never seem to point out. Who cares about light bulbs? You can green your life in so many other ways.
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